How to Protect Yourself from Phishing

Phishing: Think Before You Click

October 3, 2023

Jaco Dreyer


In the world of cyber security, social engineering casts a wide and intricate net, encompassing an array of cunning tactics employed by cybercriminals. Their goal? To manipulate unsuspecting victims into revealing their most closely guarded personal information. 

Amidst this intricate web of deception, one method takes centre stage is phishing. It’s the digital trapdoor through which scammers gain access to sensitive data, be it usernames and passwords or a backdoor for facilitating the surreptitious installation of malware. These devious actions serve various malicious purposes, among them the initiation of ransomware attacks. 

In the digital age, the mantra “Think before you Click!” has never been more critical. 

Shocking statistics from IT Governance reveal that phishing reigns supreme as the most common form of cybercrime, with a staggering 3.4 billion malicious emails launched into the digital ether every single day. 

And don’t be too quick to assume your business is immune, research indicates that approximately 7% of employees are susceptible to clicking on phishing email links. While that might sound like a small fraction, remember this: it takes just one click. A mere eight employees receiving phishing emails tips the scales, ensuring that the chances of falling victim soar past the 50% mark. 

But What Exactly is Phishing? 

Phishing hinges on the art of deception, where scammers craft cunning schemes to hoodwink individuals into relinquishing their confidential information. Typically carried out via email, these scams often target small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs), though individuals are by no means immune. The quintessential phishing ploy involves counterfeit emails or websites meticulously designed to coax victims into divulging login credentials and other confidential data. 

In a typical phishing assault, a malevolent actor sends an email or text message cleverly disguised as originating from a trusted source—a friend, colleague, or institution you have faith in. This message, seemingly harmless, requests sensitive information such as bank account details. Employees are especially susceptible, as they may be coerced into revealing credentials that unlock access to classified company data. Should you unwittingly respond with the requested information, the scammer gains the upper hand, potentially seizing control of your accounts or pilfering them entirely. 

Regrettably, phishing scams are renowned for their ability to camouflage themselves expertly, making them challenging to detect, even for seasoned internet users.  

So, What are the Several Types of Phishing to be Wary of? 

  1. Email Phishing: These deceptive emails coax you into taking actions, such as updating passwords or clicking on attachments, under false pretences. 
  1. Spear Phishing: Here, attackers target specific individuals or organisations, gathering detailed information to craft highly personalised and convincing phishing emails. 
  1. Smishing Phishing (via text): Fraudulent texts mimic reputable businesses, luring you into revealing personal information. 
  1. Vishing (via phone): Urgent calls make you believe you will face penalties or miss opportunities if you don’t respond immediately. 
  1. Angler Phishing: Social media users are targeted through direct messages that impersonate customer service agents, aiming to obtain personal information or account credentials. 
  1. Pop-up Phishing: Malicious code infects legitimate websites, spawning deceptive pop-up messages that tempt you to click, jeopardising your device and data.

How do I Spot a Phishing Email Attack? 

To protect yourself, you need to be able to distinguish the legitimate from the fraudulent. Let us delve into some common red flags that can help you avoid these digital traps. 


Imagine this scenario: your bank sends you an email, urgently asking you to verify your account information. The catch? You never initiated this request. Beware of unsolicited messages and always err on the side of caution. Legitimate organisations rarely demand immediate action without prior communication. 

Personalised Greetings 

Phishing emails often start with generic greetings like “Dear User” instead of addressing you by name. Legitimate companies, on the other hand, tend to personalise their emails and greet you using your name. If an email feels impersonal, it’s a potential sign of a scam. 

Sender’s Email Address 

The devil is in the details. Examine the sender’s email address carefully. Phishers are masters of deception, using addresses that closely mimic legitimate ones but may contain subtle misspellings or variations. Others opt for random combinations of letters and numbers, a dead giveaway of a scam. 

Spelling and Grammar 

While advanced AI, such as ChatGPT, may craft phishing emails with impeccable language, some still contain minor errors. Look out for typos, bad grammar, and awkward phrasing. Reputable companies typically do not make such mistakes in their communications. 

Sense of Urgency 

Phishing emails often employ a sense of urgency to pressure recipients into hasty decisions. Phrases like “Your Account Has Been Suspended” or “Urgent Action Required: Update Your Payment Information” are common tactics. If an email rushes you into sensitive actions, such as sharing personal information, proceed with extreme caution. 

Suspicious Attachments 

Attachments in unsolicited emails are akin to Pandora’s box. Never open them unless you are 100% certain they are safe. Attachments can harbour malware or viruses that can compromise your device and data. Don’t let curiosity be your downfall; if in doubt, delete suspicious emails with attachments. 

Requests for Information 

Exercise extreme caution when an email requests sensitive information. Phishers may claim they need to “Verify Account Details” or “Update Your Profile.” These are classic tactics that can lead to identity theft or the sale of your personal data. 

So, How Do You Protect Yourself from Phishing? 

Now that you know how to identify phishing red flags, let’s explore how to protect yourself and your company from phishing attacks.  

Education and Awareness 

Knowledge is your first line of defence. Stay informed about current phishing trends and tactics, as these attacks come in various forms, including emails, text messages, phone calls, and social media messages. 

Verify the Sender 

Always double-check the sender’s email address or phone number. Be wary of addresses that mimic legitimate organisations but contain misspellings or variations. If in doubt, verify the sender’s identity through official channels. 

Use Strong, Unique Passwords 

Create strong, complex passwords for your online accounts, and avoid easily guessable information. Consider using a password manager to generate and store strong, unique passwords. 

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) 

Whenever possible, activate MFA for your online accounts. It adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification, such as a code sent to your phone or email. 

Inspect URLs and Links 

Hover your mouse pointer over links in emails (without clicking) to view the actual URL. Verify that it matches the legitimate website’s domain. Be cautious of shortened URLs, as they can hide the true destination. 

Be Cautious with Attachments 

Only open email attachments from trusted sources. Verify the sender and content independently. Be especially wary of executable file attachments (e.g., .exe, .msi) and macro-enabled documents. 

Check for Secure Connections 

Ensure websites you visit have a secure connection by looking for “https://“ in the URL and a padlock icon in the address bar. However, be aware that some phishing sites may also use HTTPS. 

Install Robust Security Software 

Use reputable anti-virus and anti-phishing software that can detect and block phishing attempts and malware. 

Regularly Update Software 

Keep your operating system, web browser, and software up-to-date with the latest security patches to prevent cyber criminals from exploiting known vulnerabilities. 

Verify Requests for Personal Information 

Exercise caution when asked to provide personal or financial information via email or online forms. Verify the legitimacy of such requests independently. 

Report Suspected Phishing 

If you receive a phishing email or message, report it to your email provider, your workplace’s IT department, and organisations like Action Fraud at 

Use Email Filters 

Enable email filters or spam filters to automatically detect and move phishing emails to your spam folder. 


In conclusion, while no security measure is foolproof, adopting these strategies collectively will significantly reduce your vulnerability to phishing attacks. Stay vigilant, trust your instincts, and prioritise caution when dealing with any email or message that raises suspicions. 

Remember, the more you know, the safer you’ll be. Stay informed and stay secure! 

Is it Time to Rethink Your Email Security?  

In an era of ever-evolving cyber threats, ensuring the safety of your digital communications is paramount. Don’t wait for the next phishing attack or data breach to strike. Take proactive steps today to fortify your email defences and protect your sensitive information with OneCollab Today. 

Download Your Free Guide to Phishing Scams

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